Tuesday 11 January 2011

Whips, mud & the winter pudge....

I know there are sunny skies in the pictures but it was actually cold up at Hale Hill Super-bowl near Tattenhall.
We are at the start of a new season people, it's time to get out of the house after the Christmas hibernation, don't lie, we all did it! Sitting at home eating piles of food and drinking more than is healthy.
So as a good way to blow the cobwebs out and kick start the year with some adrenalin me and Kelly decided to hit the 4X track.
I say we, really he did. I'm 10 years off the bike and its showing. Lots of practice for me coming up I think.

For those of you who don't know Hale Hill, it's an awesome place. It looks like its set up by some guy who just had a field on a hill sitting around spare and wondered what to do with it.
“I know, let’s build some piles on it”, he said “then ride over them.”

As it goes in Wayne’s World, if you building they will come...

So the start of the 4X track is gentle start off the ramp, in to a kerb followed by small double. After that comes a big double into a really great berm that is half way to a wall ride.

The sun was low in the sky, what with it being January so the sky is totally blown out. But the huge berm meant I could get as close to Kelly and the boys as my bravery would let me.

After you come flying out of the berm, comes a big triple. With the speed from the berm you could clear it and land set up for the next berm, I never made it this far but pre-jumping it keeps you so much speed and looks sweet when you get it.

Landing is a smooth transition into another huge berm, this time I could get right into the bottom of it and get some great shots as the lads whet flying past.

A bit further on there is a nice hip jump, with the speed you've got you can make a good go at it. Take note, in summer this is going to be great without the mud at the bottom of it.
We decided to play on this for a while, giving the lads a chance to practice there whips and giving me a chance to get a few shots with some good skies.

After that it's always good to get a chance to relax and Kelly’s awesome van is set up and ready for all your needs. Striking in it's ex-RAC orange he has everything a rider needs. Spades, rakes, tools and best of all, a gas stove and frying pan for the bacon butties!

Its just a shame that his tool box hasn't got any tools for cooking with! Stuck with metal tire levers for now. I'm going to have to fix that!

A bit of flat land rounded the day out as the sun went down. 
We are going to be hitting up a BMX track this week, stay tuned. Same bat time, same bat channel.

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