Sunday 16 January 2011

Macc Forest Mud

Today the weather has been really bad. Up in the forest it rained all day. Those of you who know the DH course in Macclesfield Forest will know that any rain on it turns to lower parts to a swamp and the up parts into a thick sludge.
The course itself is a real labour of love. The guys who built it have been working hard for a long time on it and it shows.  If you want to get involved then take a look at the Facebook page.
We spent the day up in the trees, getting rained on. The lads were working hard, despite the rain and mud they were all really going for it. I camped out next to a pretty huge step jump into a bowl. Alex’s first run looked sketchy on the landing, landing flat at the bottom of the bowl. He held it like a pro and didn't even seem fazed by it.

I’ll be honest, I was still getting my eye in so this isn't the best shot I've ever taken. Sorry Alex, I'll get you next time.
He did however, give me a few great “art” shots!

I was squatting in a tree to get the first few shots and it felt like I was nearly getting hit as they went past. I switched sides and managed to get my flash on for Kelly’s runs.

After a few good runs, I made the ultimate mistake, “That last one was great lads. Why not do just one more?” After that Alex and Kelly were having none of it. It didn't stop Kel messing about with his catalogue pose.

From the fire road at the top there are loads of different runs, some split up and go another way, some are more difficult and some are just insane!
One of these is a fast run that goes straight over a rock table and drops into the trail further down into tight right hander on a berm. I didn't even know the trail was there until a guy came flying down and leaped off it. I just managed to catch him as he went.

These are just the best, in poor light. but I also made a quick movie out of the whole series.

Alex decided to take a crack at this same trail from a different line. I got some better ones of him, they stitched into a movie nicely as well.

Moving up the track the guys decided to play on a drop off going over a right hander. I could get in nice a close and get some great shots as they went past.

In the summer, when the mud is gone, this lip is going to be amazing. As it is the lads were loosing grip on a wet rock at the edge.

With the light failing, soaked through and with water in my lens I called it a day and went home for some tea and a play with my gears.

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